Body, you live in it!!
When we don’t like a house, neighborhood, neighbors, or whatever it is, we have the option of moving out, isn’t it?
The same concept doesn’t apply to our bodies, independently of us liking it or not, we’ll live in it for the rest of our lives.
The best option is to take good care of our bodies, like it, and enjoy the innumerable benefits of a healthy life.
How do you feel about your body?
I begin today’s article with this reflection, and I’m not referring to the aesthetic parts, but I
invite you to look at your body as a sacred temple.
The expansion of our conscience begins when we start developing self-observation.
What I eat, how I eat, what I drink, and how I drink, may make all the difference!
We all know how important it is to take care of the body, but how to put it to practice and enjoy the innumerable benefits of a healthy body?
I believe that prayer has the power of curing and also of transforming energies negative into positive including foods and, for meats, for example, I ask a special blessing of purification.
- “Firstly, I’d like the thank God for this food, mother Earth for nurturing us and all the people that put so much effort so this food could nurture my sacred temple.
- I don’t know how the process of abating this animal happened, and for that, I ask God that if any negative energies exist, that it be transformed into positive, bringing health, energy, and well-being to my sacred temple”.
Yay water!
Cheers to the best drink in the world! I also like to feel the blessing in the water that goes to all the cells of the body.
I like to put water in a blue bottle (It can be any color you want and like so to attract the energy for that day), I put it under the sun and leave it there for at least 15 minutes.
- When I drink, I like to vary it with pieces of fruits or herbs, one or the other: apple pieces, strawberries, ginger, mint, rosemary, cucumber etc.
Physical Activities
Ou body needs to sweat to clean its toxines. In our daily life we go through a series of stressful situations that we can eliminate through meditation, prayer or physical activities.
To defeat iddleness is the first challenge and by doing only that, it already brings a feeling of well-being for an achievement.
There are innumerous physical activities , the most important is to choose one that will fit your style.
I identify with yoga for various reasons:
- I can pay attention to my body and my breathing.
- Doing some yoga poses make me connect to how I feel that day and search for and improve my balance.
I feel my muscles, develop my strenght, my mind, my limitations and surprise myselfwith the excellent results that I wasn’t able to achieve.
I used to do yoga at home, but I felt the need of new stimuli and practices, so I searched for a place that has been better than I ever imagined.
It’s called Brick Canvas, they offer various yoga modalities among other options of physical activities that I’m in love with.
Besides working your body better, I am making friends and practicing my English as well.
Inspirational people
I’ve been meeting new people and little by little I’ve been surrounding myself of inspirational people.
I want to learn and have fun at the same time!!
I’m sharing with you the interview I did with Sherrie who is one of my favorite teachers and also manager of the place where I’m practicing and learning new modalities of yoga.
The physical activity was born in California and has existed for the past 8 years. Think about you inner child having fun!
I feel exactly like that, by the way, it is common to see children and teenagers in that class with their mothers or auts.
It makes you sweat a lot and the feeling is of detoxication. The famous “shaking bad things out”.
Kara is my favorite teacher. The energy she has is amazing. It’s also amazing the way she inspires us to do our best.
Watch my interview with her and check it out!
Kara has 4 small children, besides also having a beautiful body, participating in her class is
a bath of invigorating energy.
You can follow her on Instagram: @thehomebodyfitness
Body, mind and spirit
We all know the benefits in balancing out body, emotions, and spirituality. To achieve that, wanting is not enough, you’ll need to practice.
- The first 21 days are dedicated to changing habits.
- Usually, we need 3 months to adapt to a new routine.
- 2 years for the brain to realize that the body and mind has fully adopted this new life
Patience, determination, and good humor
As it is not easy to put it into practice, we need to be patient with ourselves specially in the beginning and when iddleness or something else beats us in certain moments.
Detemination and conscience to develop our potential while being the best and most gentle version with ourselves.
Good humor is the best medicine. Laughing at yourself is really good. Especially when we can’t.
Let’s take care or our sacred temples with conscience and awakening the better version that exists in each one of us?
Together we are better and stronger!
Hugs!!! And I’ll see you on our next post!
Adriana Jarva
Translation: Erica Havican