Aquarian Morning Sadhana is practiced by Kundalini Yoga communities worldwide. It can be practiced individually, but ideally it should be done in a group.
Aquarius Sadhana is meant to take us through the transition into the Age of Aquarius. This sadhana prepares our psyche to excel in new environments and decades to come. Aquario Sadhana tunes your gunas, your chakras and your mind with the changing of the Era. We will need intuition, stamina, both physical and mental, self-awareness and a new depth of spiritual experience that can maintain our identity in the face of global change, relentless competition, information overload, and ecological and environmental challenges.
Aquario Sadhana is practiced by Kundalini Yoga communities across the world. Doing group sadhana develops group consciousness. A group sadhana practice amplifies the impact of meditation. Yogi Bhajan said that group meditation not only increases individual effort but multiplies it.
Morning dawning – Practiced between 3 and 6 am
“No one wants to get up between 3 and 6 am. Nobody! Because everyone just wants to relax a little in life. And we want to have our peace, and this is the quietest moment: ‘…I was sleeping peacefully. I have not disturbed anyone…why am I sitting here repeating this mantra? My God, continuously… I’m going to go crazy… It’s not enough to say something once, maybe twice – but 108 times!’ The answer is perseverance… Sadhana gives you perfect mental perseverance. Physical stamina is good. But besides that, we also need a mental perseverance. Otherwise, we have no chance of our life going well, of being happy, satisfied and successful. These are the needs, these are basic conditions… Sadhana gives what you need for your mental toughness. And love is what inspires your spiritual endurance. When you love, you will never give up.” Yogi Bhajan
Preparing for the Aquarian Morning Sadhana – the place and step by step
Before starting the Aquarian Morning Sadhana experience, it is important to dedicate yourself to a preparation that will lead you to the maximum benefit of this practice, cultivating your internal sacred space. It is recommended to take a cold shower upon arising as a preparation for the Aquarian Morning Sadhana. It is not possible to fully meditate if your circulation is still under sleep patterns.
The morning Aquarian Sadhana has six steps:
1. Prayer
Read or listen to the Jap Ji Sahib, sacred text written by the sage Guru Nanak Ji.
2. Tuning
3. Practice of Kundalini Yoga. physical preparation An important part of the Aquarian Morning Sadhana, when practicing a Kundalini Yoga kriya
With the aim of stimulating the physical body, activating blood circulation and kundalini energy, eliminating tensions and blockages created by emotions, stimulating and balancing glandular secretions in a way that corresponds to the state of consciousness we wish to achieve.
4. Deep relaxation
Once the kryia is over, we relax deeply, surrendering so that the energies released and activated in the body and mind are equalized. During relaxation we can cover the body so that it does not get cold.
5. Meditation Yogi Bhajan, on June 21, 1992, proposed a sequence of seven mantras for Sadhana
Morning Aquarian with instructions to be chanted at definite times and in a specific order.
6. Closing Finally, we chant Long Time Sun, affirmation to take the frequency produced in the Sadhana
*Menstruation and pregnancy
Pregnant or menstruating women should avoid exercises that put pressure on the abdomen/uterus, such as the Breath of Fire, the frog, Sat Kriya, Bow Pose, inversion exercises, when the legs are higher than the heart, for example. For example, the candle posture. Better not to take a cold shower during pregnancy, during menstruation, or when you have fever, rheumatism or heart disease.
*Step by step – At the end a video with the practice by the community of Utah
Adi Mantra (Tune-In Mantra)In Kundalini yoga, each student-teacher connects to a golden chain of teachers that have come before through chanting this mantra. What you are learning has been passed from teacher to student for generations. | |
Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo | I bow to the Creative Wisdom, I bow to the Divine Teacher within. |
Mangala Charan Mantra (Protection Mantra) 3xChanted for protection, it surrounds the magnetic field with protective light and wisdom. | |
Aad Guray Nameh Judaad Guray Nameh Sat Guray Nameh Siri Guru Devay Nameh | I call upon the primal wisdom, Guru, I bow to the wisdom through the ages, I bow to the True Wisdom, I bow to the great unseen wisdom. |
Japji – Meditate before you begin Kriya 15 min
Kundalini Kriya – 30-60 minutes |
Morning Call (Long Ek Ong Kars) – 7 minutes | |
Ek Ong Kaar Sat Naam Siri Wahe Guru | This mantra initiates the kundalini, initiating the relationship between our soul and the Universal Soul. It opens all the chakras. Be sure to apply Neck Lock to let the Kundalini energy rise. |
Waah Yantee, Kar Yantee – 7 minutes | |
Waah Yantee Kar Yantee Jag Dut Patee Aadak It Waahaa Brahmaadeh Tresha Guru It Wahe Guru | With this mantra, we strengthen the connection with the infinite self, the part of us beyond the physical world, beyond creation. |
Mul Mantra – 7 minutes | |
Ek Ong Kar Sat Nam Kartaa Purkh Nirbhao Nirvair Akaal Moorat Ajoonee Saibung Gur Prasad Jap! Aad Sach Jugaad Sach Haibhee Sach Nanak Hosee Bhee Sach | This mantra gives an experience of the depth and consciousness of your soul. It eradicates deep, long standing pain and sorrow. It expands creativity and projects us into action in line with our destiny. |
Sat Siri, Siri Akal (Mantra for the Aquarian Age) – 7 minutes | |
Sat Siri, Siri Akaal Siri Akaal, Mahaa Akaal Mahaa Akaal, Sat Naam Akaal Moorat, Wahe Guru | With this mantra we declare that we are timeless, deathless beings and it promotes victory in all aspects of our life. |
Rakhe Rakhan Har – 7 MinutesThis is a mantra of protection against all negative forces, inner and outer, which are blocking us from moving on our true path. It cuts like a sword through every opposing vibration, thought, word, and action. | |
Rakhay rakhanahaar aap ubaaria-an Gur kee pairee paa-i kaaj savaari-an Hoaa aap da-iaal manaho na visaari-an Saadh janaa kai sang bhavajal taari-an Saakat nindak dusht khin maa-eh bidaari-an Tis saahib kee tayk Naanak manai maa-eh Jis simrat sukh ho-i sagalay dookh jaa-eh |
Wahe Guru Wahe Jio – 22 minutesChant sitting in Vir Asan (warrior pose), sitting on the left heel, with the right knee up, right foot flat on the ground, with hands in Prayer Pose. Eyes are focused at the tip of the nose. | |
Wahe Guru Wahe Guru Wahe Guru Wahe Jio | This is a mantra of ecstasy with which we establish ourselves for victory and the right to excel. |
Guru Ram Das Chant – 5 minutes | |
Guru Guru Wahe Guru Guru Ram Das Guru | This mantra is one of humility, opening the Heart Center so that we can feel & effortlessly radiate universal love. We call on Guru Ram Das in praise of his spiritual guiding light and protective grace. |
Concluding Contemplation – 5 minutesSpend a few moments of deep listening and silence + (optional) inspirational reading | |
Long Time SunThis song ends every group Kundalini yoga class. It gives us a feeling of ourselves, within ourselves. Understand that you know all, God is already sitting in you; there is no place else to find it. | |
May the Long Time Sun Shine Upon You All Love Surround You And the Pure Light Within You Guide Your Way On | 1st – sing for/to yourself 2nd – sing for/to family & friends 3rd – sing to all beings throughout the world |
Sat Nam (long Sat, short Nam)This mantra concludes every kundalini sadhana, awakening this value within each of us. | |
Sat Nam Sat Nam Sat Nam | Truth is my identity. Truth is my identity. Truth is my identity. |
Join Us
Follow our practice with the community of Utah for you to know and if you want to practice with us online or in person, leave your email here to receive the link. Every Sunday from 4 am to 6:30 am, free
@utahkundalininetwork @alpinebalanceyoga @jenndigity @kristagubler @innerpeaceyogaschool @alissayoga @bethwilliams @lynseyrangel @yogaom.line @adrianajarva
Enjoy with your Aquarian Sadhana
Sat Naam

Praticante e instrutora de Yoga. Graduada pela Inner Peace Yoga School em Utah, EUA onde moro. Durante a pandemia criei o estúdio de YogaOmLine tornando as práticas acessível para todas às pessoas, em qualquer lugar do mundo com o diferencial que é sentir sua própria essência divina.